it’s happy bunny jim benton “it’s all about me deal with it” slippers

  • $30.00
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Check out these Jim benson happy bunny slippers!
A true pair of survivors! These slippers normally got abused and eventually chucked. Not many left out there.
No size. Single slipper Measures
Width: (opening) 4.25”
Length: 10”
Hight: (slipper opening) 2.5” stretches to 3”.
They do need a detailed cleaning for appearance if desired.
Wire in smiles (something missing?)
Left slipper has a tear near ankle area. And stitch holding hand to face is snapped (two very easy stitches) also has stain in smile from that wire.
Both slippers have a couple dirt marks that I imagine will wash out without much issue.
Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.
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